Monday, June 20, 2011

Sunny Sheu's Video Predicting His Murder


“Hi my name is Sunny Sheu. I have filed a complaint to the FBI and the New York State Unified Court Ehics Committee about Judge Joseph Golia [who] falsified his financial disclosure statement. And I have submitted evidence to the FBI recently. [The] FBI sent me [a] copy of the evidence that I sent to the FBI.
And today, April 9th, the Unified Court ethics director, Janice Howard, she called me [to tell me that] Judge Joseph Golia already amended his financial disclosure statement. This means my evidence is true. At least that he was forced to amend (misrepresentations) on his financial disclosure statement.
For the security issues, for the security concerns, I make this recording, that if anything wrong goes to me, it should be come from Judge Golia and his people because before I had been kidnapped by his people, and threatened and intimidated by his people not to file a complaint against Judge Golia.
So I make this recording for [my] safety. For protection. If anything wrong please go to Judge Golia and his people.
Thank you very much.”


By Judge Golia's "People" Sunny told me he was referring to the two NYPD Detectives from the Queens DA Squad (Dominick DiGennarro and James Monaco) who had illegally detained him and threatened him with death in January, 2009.

Detective DiGennarro is now working for NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who  Sunny Sheu personally begged for protection before his death.


  1. has any dept. arrested the judge yet?

  2. Ni. There has been no investigation by any law enforcement

  3. NORTON here. I just tweeted (norton1776) and also sent to several forums.

  4. Thanks very much Norton. This case needs all the attention it can get. I can be reached at

  5. It's a government sponsored democide. He was politically inconvenient to the ruling corrupt class and was murdered by the govenment. Don't think this stuff just happens in the Middle East or Sub-Saharan Africa.. The US of A isn't immune to war crimes. If you make too much noise and don't obey, they just kill you with no strings attached.

  6. Don't we have new people in power now? Can nothing be done to the corrupt NYPD?


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